Selected Publications

Grillakis, M., Koutroulis, A. (2018). Hydrometeorological extremes in a warmer climate. A local scale assessment for the island of Crete. doi: 10.3390/ECWS-3-05818

Grillakis, M., Koutroulis, A., & Tsanis, I. (2018). Improving Seasonal Forecasts for Basin Scale Hydrological Applications. Water, 10(11), 1593.

AG Koutroulis, MG Grillakis, IK Tsanis, D Jacob (2018). Mapping the vulnerability of European summer tourism under 2° C global warming. Climatic Change.

Koutroulis, A., Papadimitriou, L., Grillakis, M., Tsanis, I., Wyser, K., Caesar, J., & Betts, R. (2018). Simulating Hydrological Impacts under Climate Change: Implications from Methodological Differences of a Pan European Assessment. Water, 10(10), 1331.

Jacob, D., Kotova, L., Teichmann, C., Sobolowski, S. P., Vautard, R., Donnelly, C., Koutroulis, A. G., Grillakis, M. G., Tsanis, I. K., Damm, A., Sakalli, A. and van Vliet, M. T. H. (2018), Climate Impacts in Europe Under +1.5°C Global Warming. Earth's Future. doi:10.1002/2017EF000710

Grillakis, M. G., Koutroulis, A. G., Daliakopoulos, I. N., and Tsanis, I. K.: A method to preserve trends in quantile mapping bias correction of climate modeled temperature, Earth Syst. Dynam.,, in press, Sept 2017.

A.G. Koutroulis, L.V. Papadimitriou, M.G. Grillakis, I.K. Tsanis, K. Wyser, R.A. Betts, Freshwater vulnerability under high end climate change. A pan-European assessment, In Science of The Total Environment, Volumes 613-614, 2018, Pages 271-286, ISSN 0048-9697,

Daliakopoulos, I.N., Panagea, S.I., Tsanis, I.K., Grillakis, M.G., Koutroulis, A.K., Hessel, R., Mayor, A.G., and Ritsema, C.J., "Yield Response of Mediterranean Rangelands under a Changing Climate", Land Degradation & Development, February 2017

Papadimitriou, L. V., Koutroulis, A. G., Grillakis, M. G., and Tsanis, I. K.: The effect of GCM biases on global runoff simulations of a land surface model, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 4379-4401, hess-21-4379-2017, 2017
For a full publication record visit google scholar